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The Crux of the Matter - February 2025

Mark Rehagen

Updated: Jan 30

Men of Signum Crucis, greetings on this Memorial of St. John Bosco, Priest. 


St. John Bosco, born in northern Italy in 1815, was an extremely determined man who received messages from the Blessed Virgin Mary to accomplish extraordinary charitable works.  After being ordained a priest in 1841, St. John Bosco embarked on a journey that led him to minister to poor, young boys who were trapped in the daily grind of the budding Industrial Revolution.  St. John began an educational system that was later called a “preventive system,” inviting boys who were living on the streets to stay in a home provided for young boys to receive an education.  Inspired by the work of St. Francis de Sales, he later formed a new religious order called the “Society of St. de Sales,” today commonly referred to as “Salesians.”

May we Men of Signum Crucis also engage in charitable works to build up the Kingdom of God here on earth.


Click here for more details on the life of St. John Bosco.


There are many important announcements I need to make in this issue of The Crux of the Matter, so let me start here:


Consecration Devotions in 2025


Man of Signum Crucis Dave Lankford is once again offering to facilitate three separate and distinct Consecrations during 2025.  These are


●     Consecration to St. Joseph, starting on March 31 and continuing through May 1, the Feast of St. Joseph the Worker;

●     Consecration to the Blessed Virgin Mary, starting on July 21 and concluding on August 22, the Feast of the Queenship of Mary; and

●     Consecration to Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament, starting on November 22 and concluding on December 25.


Many of you might be thinking that you just completed three consecrations in 2024.  What?  Another one?  Again?


Dave highly recommends at least one of these Consecrations in 2025, insisting that we’ll learn so much more the second time around.  I hope each of you will strongly consider it.


In order for Dave to know how many books he’ll need to have ready for each Consecration, please take this survey to help in his planning efforts for 2025.


 Funeral of Father Bill Korte Tomorrow, February 1


The Diocese of Jefferson City lost a very holy priest, Father Bill Korte, a week ago, on Friday, January 24.  Seemingly very healthy and relatively young, his death was a shock to any who knew of him.


Men, it is important that we as a fraternity of men be especially supportive of vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life.  Our prayers are needed for the repose of Father Korte’s soul and for the Diocese as it struggles to provide priests for all parishes. 


Father Korte’s funeral is tomorrow, Saturday, February 1 at 11:00 a.m. at the Cathedral, and the Visitation begins this evening at 4:00 p.m. and concludes with Rosary at 7:30 p.m.  


Our 4th Degree Knights of Columbus Assemblies will surely provide the Honor Guard, but we Men of Signum Crucis are needed to provide prayers at this difficult time. 


I hope you will consider joining me this evening and/or tomorrow morning as representatives of the Men of Signum Crucis.  If you are unable to attend, please pray for the repose of the soul of this very holy priest, for the consolation of his family, for his brother priests, and for Bishop McKnight in these very trying times. 


Men, it’s time to redouble our efforts to pray for, encourage, and promote vocations within our fraternity, our families, and our circle of friends.  Remember that  without priests there are no Sacraments.

Requiescat in pace.


Father Schrader’s Presentation on The Gifts of the Holy Spirit


Once again, we are thankful for Father Schrader’s presentation to us in December on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.  Many of you have asked to receive a copy of slides he presented from that evening. 


Click on this link to access his presentation.


I hope you will join me in thanking Father Schrader when you see him for his stellar presentation in December.


Registration for Heart of a Hero Men’s Conference, April 25-26, 2025


Men, so many of you gave us tremendous support and encouragement for another round of “Heart of a Hero Men’s Conference” in 2025, scheduled for April 25 (evening) and April 26 (day), 2025.


Click here to register yourself (and others) for the 2nd Annual Heart of a Hero Men’s Conference at Cana Hall at the Cathedral of S. Joseph here in Jefferson City.


With us at the Conference will be Father Anthony Viviano, Pastor of St. Andrew Church in Tipton and Annunciation Church in California, who will offer Mass for us on April 26 and will be our keynote speaker earlier that morning; Joe Heschmeyer from Catholic Answers, who will present twice to us–once Friday evening and once on Saturday morning; Father Paul Clark, Diocesan Vocations Director and Chaplain of Helias Catholic High School and the Men of Signum Crucis, on Saturday afternoon; and Pat Castle, Founder of LIFE Runners, who will wrap up our Conference on Saturday afternoon.


On Saturday, we will have Adoration and Confessions as we did last year.  We are working to arrange to have priests available both during the one-hour midday Adoration period, as well as before Mass.


And, once again, we will have a “Cigar and Bourbon” reception after the Friday meal–it was a big hit last year and a great way to meet many like minded great men in a casual (outdoor) setting.


I hope you are marking your calendar now.  Make plans to come, and bring a son or a dad, or an uncle or a nephew, or a neighbor or a friend.  This is an easy way to invite other men to follow you into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ.


Let me or any member of the Planning Group know if you have any questions about the 2025 Heart of a Hero Men’s Conference.


Opportunities to Help Sponsor the 2025 Heart of a Hero Men’s Conference


Before you buy your ticket for the Heart of a Hero Men’s Conference, if you or someone you know is in a position to help sponsor the Conference, we have a sponsorship level just your size.  Our sponsorships are packaged with tickets for the Conference.  Click here for a copy of the Sponsorship Form, or see or call Donnell Rehagen, Larry Jansen, or Philip Schulte for more information.


Joseph Challenge Annual Pilgrimage in St. Louis


Men, are you looking for a challenge to honor the Patron Saint of the Men of Signum Crucis?


Look no further than the Joseph Challenge Annual Pilgrimage in St. Louis.


This Annual Pilgrimage is an overnight, 22-24 mile walk through downtown St. Louis to, from, and between Catholic sites named in honor of St. Joseph.  The pilgrimage will end at the Shrine of St. Joseph in downtown St. Louis.  The date and all the specifics for this 10th Annual Pilgrimage have not been firmly set, but it usually takes place on a weekend near the Feast of St. Joseph on May 1.  


An overnight stay will be scheduled at one of the participating locations.


Click here to learn more about this challenging event.


Exodus 90, Anyone?


Just a reminder that it’s never too late to begin to practice some or all of the ascetic disciplines of Exodus 90. 


Although there are several versions of Exodus 90 scheduled throughout the calendar year, this one before Easter is the signature event.


And, you won’t be doing it alone–over 40,000 men are engaged in Exodus 90 this year, and you have support here in Jefferson City.


Check out the disciplines of Exodus 90 here, or contact our Exodus 90 liaison, Mike O’Rourke, for more information and encouragement.


Recommended Spiritual Reading List


Have you ever wondered what might be your next best spiritual reading book?


Man of Signum Crucis John Doyle has volunteered to help put together a list of recommended books for your consideration.  John has asked for the assistance of two or three other Men of Signum Crucis for their input.


If you are interested in helping to develop the Spiritual Reading List, please contact John Doyle, or me, and I will put you in touch with John.


Speaking of which, the Men of Signum Crucis currently has a nice selection of spiritual reading.  I will display the books at the February 19 Gathering and you can borrow a book (or two)--just in time for a read during Lent.


Thank You to Father Mark Porterfield


Thank you to Father Mark Porterfield for presenting to us on the Sanctity of Marriage at our January gathering.  Father Porterfield, with his educational background and his experience in the Marriage Tribunal, offered us great insight into the mystery of marriage.  Father Porterfield, we hope you will come back as often as you can to mingle with your admirers.


Thank you to Kenney Newville, Perry Scott, and Donnell Rehagen


Men, behind the scenes for the past two and a half years, Kenney Newville, former resident of Jefferson City who led his family to St. Joseph, Missouri a little over a year ago, has been maintaining our Men of Signum Crucis website, making it possible for you to receive this newsletter.


Kenney has been extremely patient with me over the past 15 months as we have searched for a local replacement for his duties as website manager.


We have found him!  He is Perry Scott, a recent graduate of State Tech who has been a member of the Men of Signum Crucis for approximately the past six months.


Thank you to Kenney who has been working remotely on these duties, all the while watching the growth of the Men of Signum Crucis fraternity from afar.  Thank you to Perry for agreeing to tackle the website responsibilities.


The transition between these two men will occur over the next three to four months.


Also, while I am at it, thanks to my brother Donnell Rehagen for his work each month in maintaining our Men of Signum Crucis contact database.  Donnell is the man behind the scenes who sends the monthly email to each of you which includes the link to this newsletter.  He also generates the phone call/voice mail reminder that you receive the day before our monthly gatherings.


All of this work has been done on a volunteer basis, which obviously makes it possible for us to exist.


Men, I hope you will join me in thanking Kenney, Perry, and Donnell for their service to the Men of Signum CrucisWe pray that they will receive many, many spiritual rewards for their work.  Kenney, you will always be a member of our local Men of Signum Crucis fraternity.          


Our Next Gathering–February 19


Our Chaplain, Father Paul Clark, will celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for us at our gathering on February 19 in the St. Pius X Chapel at Helias.  I hope you have already marked your calendar for the ultimate in our third Wednesday topics.  Nothing can exceed the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, where heaven meets earth.  Please, let’s fill the Chapel to overflowing and unite in celebration of the “source and summit” of our Christian life.


Food and fellowship will follow in the Commons after Mass.


In Conclusion…


I hope each of you will bring another new man or two with you to our February 19 gathering–young or old, old or new.  They’ll be glad you asked them.


We are called to be disciples, and as disciples we have a calling to spread the Gospel in whatever way we can.  Bringing someone new to our monthly Gatherings is a great way to fulfill our missionary calling.


Thank you for your loyalty to the Men of Signum Crucis.  Your dedication to this growing apostolate is inspiring.  I pray that our gatherings help you grow in your faith each month.  Please give any Planning Group member your feedback regarding how we can make your time at our gatherings more faith-filled.  (Current Planning Group members are Father Paul Clark, Travis Bruemmer, Jeff Cassmeyer, John Hoke, Tim Holly, Tim Hronick, Larry Jansen, Brian Johnson, Sean McKenzie, Mike O’Rourke, Deacon Ray Purvis, Donnell Rehagen, Ken Sandbothe, Philip Schulte, and myself.)


Men, don’t forget to express your gratitude to your priests as often as possible.  Thank them after each Mass you attend for giving you the opportunity to receive the Real Presence of Jesus himself.


And, let us never forget:  St. Joseph “chose hard.”  When given the choice, let’s choose to do the same.


St. Joseph, Foster Father of the Son of God, and patron saint of the Men of Signum Crucis, pray for us.

In hoc signo, vinces,

Mark Rehagen

Future Events:  

●     February 19, 2025 (Father Paul Clark, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass)

●     March 19, 2025 (Larry Jansen, “The Spirituality of Hope”)

●     April 16, 2025 (Justin Francka on Mission and Service)

●     May 21, 2025 (Adoration and Confession)

●     June 18 (David Herman, presenter)


Mark your Calendars now


2nd Annual “Heart of a Hero” Men’s Conference–April 25-26, 2025


You won’t want to miss this one!


St. Joseph, Foster Father of the Son of God and Patron Saint of the Men of Signum Crucis, pray for us.

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